1 тип условных предложений упражнения. Relative clauses (exercises) (Придаточные определительные предложения. Упражнения). Предложения с «i wish»

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Вспоминаем, как правильно строить условные предложения в английском языке. Упражнения с ответами, переводом и пояснениями к каждому заданию. Здесь вы найдете упражнения 3 типов:

  • Выбрать из предложенных вариантов подходящий, так чтобы получилось грамматически правильное условное предложение .
  • Подставить вместо многоточия глагол в нужной форме.
  • Перевести условные предложения с русского на английский.

Выполнив задание, нажмите на "Показать правильный ответ" и сверьте свой ответ с правильным.

Если в каком-то задании вы встретите незнакомое английское слово, то достаточно дважды щелкнуть по нему, чтобы получить перевод.

Подробное объяснения правил построения условных предложений, вы найдете в этой статье .

Упражнение 1.

Рядом с каждым заданием вы видите два варианта ответа. Выберите подходящий вариант, а затем нажмите на кнопку "Показать правильный ответ..." и сверьтесь с правильным ответом.

Упражнение 2.

В приведенных ниже условных предложениях раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме условного наклонения. Введите в текстовое поле ваш вариант ответа, а затем сравните с правильным ответом. При необходимости добавляйте вспомогательные глаголы will, would, had.

Упражнения 3.

Раскройте скобки, чтобы получилось правильное условное предложение. При необходимости добавляйте вспомогательные глаголы will, would, had.

Упражнения 4.

Раскройте скобки, чтобы получилось правильное предложение. При необходимости добавляйте вспомогательные глаголы will, would, had.

Упражнения 5.

Переведите условные предложения с русского языка на английский. Сравните ваш перевод с правильным ответом.

Продолжаем отрабатывать условные (Conditional Sentences in the Future) и временные предложения (Adverbial Clauses of time in the Future) в будущем. Всегда начинаем с несложных упражнений, а именно:

Во-первых, надо понять и выучить назубок подчинительные союзы (слова-связки). Учить по списку – пустая затея; самый беспроигрышный вариант – отслеживать союзы в предложениях. Упражнения с союзами: ; уже написаны. Переводя английские условные и временные предложения необходимо уяснить разницу между

Во-вторых, надо “увидеть” в английских предложениях грамматическое правило образования придаточных предложений условия и времени в будущем. Для этого надо читать как можно больше английских предложений в данном грамматическом поле. Тогда новая, только что усвоенная грамматика будет узнаваема.

Разобравшись с союзами и освоив основное правило условных и временных придаточных в будущем, можно выходить на средний уровень (intermediate).

В следующих предложениях надо раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в нужном времени. Само собой разумеется, предложения надо перевести.

1. Before John (to start) for London he (to come) to my place to say good-bye.

2. You (to invite) Tom to our party when you (to see) him?

3. Your granny (to be amazed) when you (to see) the view.

4. I (to catch) the train if I (to take) a taxi?

5. You (not to go) until I (to know) the truth.

6. You (to phone) me as soon as you arrive in London?

7. If Ann (to look after) the luggage, I (to buy) the tickets.

8. What he (to do) if he (to fail) his exam?

9. You (to have) a bicycle of your own when you (to be) older.

10. If a beggar (to ask) you for money, you (to give) him any?

11. What you (to do) when you (to graduate from) your University?

12. Let’s go to the cafe when the concert (to be over).

13. I hope we (to see) before you (to leave).

14. You (to forgive) Tom if he (to apologize) to you?

15. Stay at home until your husband (to return). Give him the note as soon as he (to come).

16. What you (to do) if you (to want; to hire) a taxi?

17. If I (to meet) Mary today I (to speak) to her.

18. The child (not to improve) unless his elder brother (to set) him a good example.

19. You (must; to help) him if he (to be) in trouble.

20. Henry (to be busy) when we (to return) home?

21. I (not to go) to the party unless you (to come) with me.

22. You (can; to play) the piano if you (to like).

23. The boy (to complain) if I (to punish) him?

24. Don’t get off the bus until it (to stop).

25. You (can; to do) this work If he (to fail) you?

26. I (not to express) an opinion until I (to know) the facts.

27. If he (to make) another attempt, he (to succeed)?

28. The river (not to begin; to rise) until some rain (to fall).

29. I (to write) to you when I (to leave) England.

30. As soon as Henry (to spend) that money He (to try; to borrow) some more.

31. We (to go) to the country tomorrow if the weather (to be) fine?

32. The train (not can; to move) until the the snow (to fall).

33. If you (to take) more interest in the language you (to succeed).

34. Don’t leave the house until you (to wash) your face.

35. What you (to do) if your children (to behave) badly?

36. When John (to grow) a beard, even his closest friends (not to recognize) him.

37. You (to go) with us to the ZOO tomorrow if you (to be) a good boy.

38. You (to help) me if I (to need) you?

39. If you (to leave) the letter on the table, my sister (to post) it for you.

40. What you (to do) if you (not to share) your companion’s opinion?

Условных предложений, а также познакомиться с . Пришло время выполнить упражнения на все эти типы условных предложений. Conditionals exercises даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить уровень своих знаний по теме Условные предложения. Упражнения на Conditionals — прекрасный способ отработать полученные знания. Некоторые предложения, действительно, сложные – поэтому задавайте вопросы в комментариях.

Упражнения на условные предложения в английском. Conditionals exercises.

Упражнение 1. Подчеркните правильный вариант ответа. Underline the correct form to make conditional sentences.

  1. If Rita opens /will open a boutique in the High Street, she’ll make lots of money.
  2. If the economy doesn’t improve, lots of businesses will close / would close down.
  3. This burglar alarm is so sensitive: it goes off if a mouse runs / will run across the floor.
  4. George may go to prison unless he won’t pay / pays his taxes.
  5. The company was / would be more successful if it spent more money on advertising.
  6. If the employees of a company are/were happy, they work harder.
  7. We might sell our business if it makes / would make another loss this year.
  8. It looks like Molly’ll be okay, unless something new will happen / happens.
  9. Unless Shelly had read him wrong, Jack would find /would have found her unorthodox approach irresistible.
  10. Mat would not trust/ didn’t trust that unless he had to.

Упражнение 2 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения. Open the brackets to form conditionals. Mind mixed conditionals!

  1. If Felix (to be) ___________ here I would have seen him.
  2. Michael would not agree even if you (to ask) ____________ him.
  3. If they (mention) __________ this yesterday, everything would have been done.
  4. If I (to find) __________ that letter, I’ll show it to you.
  5. If I meet him, I (to invite) __________ him.
  6. Would they come if we (to invite) __________them?
  7. The boss (be) __________ very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow.
  8. The teacher said, “I’ll begin the lesson as soon as Jack _____________ (stop) talking.”
  9. The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He _____________ (go) out if the weather gets warmer.
  10. She’s flying to Cairo tomorrow. She’ll send her family a telegram providing she _____________ (arrive) with a delay.
  11. If the plane had left on time, they _____________ (be) in Minsk now.
  12. If they hadn’t walked 40 km, they _____________ (not / be) exhausted now.
  13. What would have become of us, if I _______ (come) to you then!"
  14. He would have been scrupulous — if he (can) ________ !
  15. What is the answer if you (add) _______ 17 to 75?

Упражнение 3. Образуйте условные предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола. Make conditional sentences.

  1. Molly (be) _______ a splendid woman, if only she didn"t talk so much!
  2. The evening will be fine, if only we ________ (not have) a storm.
  3. You might be of interest to me, if only I (have) _________time to waste on you.
  4. If you (leave) __________ at two, you will be there before dark.
  5. When he isdrowning, a man (clutch) ________ at any straw.
  6. If only Greg (can) _______ get some favourable shock, that"s what would do it!
  7. You (can) _________ do it if you try
  8. You (can) _________ do it if you tried.
  9. You (can) _________ it if you had tried.
  10. We (go) __________ if it does not rain.
  11. Fred (come) _________ if he has time.
  12. If you (take) _______ a taxi, you"ll be in time.
  13. If Mark (have) ________enough money, he will go to the university.
  14. They won"t unless you (ask) ______ them to come
  15. What remains if you (subtract) ________ 5 from 10?
  16. If you (buy) ________a packet of cigarettes costing 3$ and matches costing 2$, and gave the shopkeeper 10$ note, how much change ought you to receive?

Упражнение 4. Supply the correct verb forms in these conditional sentences. Decide, which type of conditionals are these sentences. Определите, к какому типу условных предложений относятся следующие предложения. Раскройте скобки.

  1. If you (to heat) __________ iron, it (to start) ____________ to get red hot and then white hot.
  2. If Molly and Paul (be not) ________ misinformed about the train times, they (not be) __________ late.
  3. If Ioannis (stay) _______ longer at the party, he (have) ________ a good time
  4. If the government (lose) __________ the next election, the Prime Minister (resign) ________ from politics.
  5. If we (not go) ________ to your friend"s party, I never (meet) _________ Alan.
  6. If train fares (be) _________ cheaper, more people (use) _________ them.
  7. If Molly (get) _______ that job she"s applied for, she will be delighted.
  8. It (be) ______ a disaster if it the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.
  9. If the talks (be broken) __________ down again, there (be) ______ a war between the two countries
  10. If Ali (know) _______ anything about mechanics at that time, I"m sure she (help) _____ us.
  11. He (have) ________ a bad accident last Friday if he _____________ (not / drive) more carefully.

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие условные предложения на английский.

  1. Джаггер пригрозил уйти в отставку, если правительство потерпит поражение
  2. Если бы в компании согласились, мы могли бы достичь быстрого прогресса.
  3. Компания вернет деньги, если вы передумаете.
  4. Выставка, возможно, закрылась бы, если бы они не нашли новых спонсоров.
  5. Я бы отказался сотрудничать, если бы я был в вашем положении
  6. Пожалуйста, сообщите врачу немедленно, если она покажет признаки улучшения.
  7. Молли и Салли поняли бы свою ошибку, если бы только остались до конца.
  8. Можете считать, что мы согласны, если не получите от нас новостей до воскресенья.
  9. Если вы выпьете слишком много кофе, вы не сможете уснуть.
  10. Если бы Джек привез карту, мы бы не заблудились.
  11. Если бы Джон знал о встрече, то приехал бы
  12. Если вы столкнетесь с Павлом, скажите ему, что я хочу его видеть.

Conditionals exercises. Английские условные упражнения: ответы.

1 opens, 2 will close, 3 runs, 4 pays, 5 would be, 6 are, 7 makes, 8 happens, 9 would find, 10 wouldn"t trust

1 had been, 2 asked, 3 had mentioned, 4 find, 5 will invite, 6 invited, 7 will be, 8 stops, 9 will go, 10 arrives, 11 would be, 12 wouldn’t be, 13 hadn’t come, 14 could, 15 add

1 would be, 2 don’t have, 3 had, 4 leave, 5 will clutch или clutches, 6 could, 7 can, 8 could, 9 could have done, 10 will go, 11 will come, 12 take, 13 has, 14 ask, 15 substract, 16 bought

1 heat / will start или starts, 2 hadn"t been / wouldn"t have been, 3 had stayed / would have had, 4 loses / will resign, 5 hadn"t gone / would have never met, 6 were / would use, 7 gets, 8 would have been, 9 are broken / will be, 10 had known / would have helped, 11 would have had / hadn’t been driving

  1. Jagger has threatened to resign if the government is defeated.
  2. If the companies agreed, we could make rapid progress.
  3. The company will refund the money if you change your mind
  4. The exhibition might have closed if they hadn"t found new sponsors.
  5. I would refuse to co-operate if I were in your position
  6. Please inform the doctor immediately if she shows signs of improvement.
  7. Molly and sally would have realized their mistake if only they had stayed until the end.
  8. You may assume we have agreed if you do not hear from us by Sunday
  9. If you drink too much coffee, you won"t be able to sleep.
  10. If Jack’d brought map, we wouldn"t have got lost.
  11. If John had known about the meeting, he would have come
  12. If you come across Paul, tell him I want to see him.

Conditional sentences

(grammar material,practice)

Compiled by V.Kiselyova

Conditional sentences I

( Условные предложения I типа )

Состоят из главного предложения и придаточного предложения условия.

Они выражают реальные условия,относящиеся к настоящему или будущему


Схемы условных предложений I типа

If … V 1(-S) … … will V 1 ... … . 1)

Придаточное услов. Главное

If I have time I will visit an exhibition.

(Pr.Simple) (Future Simple)

... will V (1) … … if … V 1(-S) … . 2)


The children will get good marks if they write the test correctly.

(Future Simple) (Present Simple)

«если» - в условных предложениях (Present Simple )


«ли» - в косвенных общих вопросах (Future Simple )



1. If I … him I will invite him to join us.

a) will see b) see

2. We’ll be late unless we … .

a) will hurry b) hurry

3. If it … fine tomorrow,we’ll go for a picnic.

a) is b) will be

4. If I see him,I … him that book.

a) will give b) give

5. If he … all these apples,he will be ill.

a) eats b) will eat

6. If you … away,I’ll call my brother.

a) will not go b) do not go

7. If he … late,we’ll go without him.

a) will be b) is

8. If he … hard today,can he have a holiday next week?

a) works b) will work

9. If you … this magazine,I’ll bring you another.

a) will not like b) do not like

10. If he … university now,he will be sorry afterwards

a) leaves b) will leave

II 1. I’ll look for your book and if I (find) it I (give) you a ring.

    If you put the ice cubes into very hot water,they (crack).

    If he (win),he (get) 100,000 dollars;if he (come) in second,he (get) 50,ooo.

    If he (want) more money,he (have) to do more work.

    If you (not take) this book to the library tomorrow,you (have) to pay a fine.

    If you (like),I (get) you a job in this company.

    If the weather (be) good,we (go) to the country.

    I (tell) him the whole truth if I (know) it.

    If he (invite) me,I (go) to his party.

    If it (freeze) tonight,the roads (be) very slippery tomorrow.

III 1. We wonder if he (come) home on time.

    They ask if the boy (want) to join us.

    If the weather (be) fine tomorrow,we’ll go for a walk.

    I don’t know if she (come) to the party.

    The mother wants to know if her son (take) part in the concert.

    If it (rain) we (take) umbrellas.

    The teacher wonders if you (make) a report at the next lesson.

    The child (fall) ill if he (go) to bed too late every day.

IV Finish the sentences.

    If I go to the USA this summer,I will visit … .

    If I feel hungry this evening,I will eat … .

    If I have time next weekend,I shall go … .

    If I have to write a story for homework,I will write about … .

    If you come to my home,you will see … .

    If it is cold tomorrow,I will put on … .

    If we finish early today … .

    If I quarrel with my parents … .

    If I lose my keys … .

    If we get too much homework … .

    If my fried gets into trouble … .

    I’ll eat my hat if … .

    We will be very happy if … .

    I will be angry with my friend if … .

    Will you help me if … ?

V Make up sentences.

If I go to …,I’ll see (visit)… .

You’ll see …,if you travel (go) to … .


I 1. If you go to the party you (enjoy) every minute of it.

2. My friend (get) the first place if he (take) part in the competition.

3. Она приготовит очень вкусный обед,если придут друзья.

II 1. I will come home late if I (stay) to make a wall newspaper.

    The students (attend) the lecture if it (be) interesting.

    Если мои родители достанут билеты,они пойдут вечером в


III 1. If my friend (come) to see me,I will be very glad.

    If mother buys a cake,we (have) a very nice tea party.

IV 1. If you (be) free,I shall come to see you.

    If she knows English,she (try) to enter the university.

    If I (live) in Moscow,I (visit) the Tretyakov Gallery.

Live in the South go to bed at once

Come home late bathe every day

If I receive his letter I will be very sorry

Find my book be very glad

Lose my money be very happy

See my friend ask his advice

VI 1. If it snows,we … at home.

A) stay b) will stay

2. If she gives him her address,he … her a letter.

A) will write b) writes

VIII 1. We (drink) tea,if we (have no) coffee.

    My friend (go) to the USA,if he (win) the competition.


Will You Come?

Will you come? Would you come?

Will you come? Would you come

Will you ride If the noon

So late Gave light,

At my side? Not the moon?

O,will you come? Beautiful,would you come?

Will you come? Would you have come?

Will you come Would you have come

If the night Without scorning,

Has a moon Had it been

Full and bright? Still morning?

O,will you come? Beloved,would you have come?

If you come,

Haste and come.

Owls have cried;

It grows dark

To ride.


Edward Thomas

Conditional sentences II

(Условные предложения II типа)

Выражают маловероятные и нереальные условия,относящиеся к настоящему

или будущему времени.

Схемы условных предложений II типа

1) If … V 2 … … would V 1 … … .

Придаточное главное

If we visited the Tretyakov Gallery we would see paintings of famous artists.

Придаточное главное

2) … would V 1 … … if … V 2 … … .


They would speak English fluently if they learned the words.

Future-in-the Past Past Simple

Главное придаточное

В придаточных предложениях – was were - для всех лиц и чисел

If I were you I would not make such a mistake.

«если бы» - в условных предложениях (Past Simple )


«ли» - в косвенных вопросах (Future-in-the Past)


Insert the verbs in the correct form.

    If I had a spare ticket,I … take you to the cinema.

a) would b) will

2. John suggested that I should … for another job.

A) look b) have looked

3. If she … you,she would be able to advise you.

A) had been b) were

4. We were afraid lest he should … too early.

A) have come b) come

5. She would buy a new fur coat if her husband … enough money.

A) would give b) gave

6. If the students attended all the lectures,they … their exams successfully.

A) would pass b) passed

7. If I were you I … him.

A) would not forgive b) did not forgive

8. I would help the poor if I … very rich.

A) would be b) were

9. If I were a doctor,I … people healthy.

A) made b) would make

10. They … to the country if the weather were better.

A) would go b) went

II 1. If I (know) his name,I’d give it to you.

    He (look) a lot better if he did more esercise.

    If he worked more carefully,he (not make) so many mistakes.

    I wouldn’t do that if I (be) you.

    More tourists would come to this seaside if it (have) better climate.

    If someone (give) you a submarine,what would you do with it?

    If you (not belong) to a union,you couldn’t get a job.

    If I (win) a big prize in a lottery,I’d give up my job.

    He might get fat if he (go on) eating like that.

    If he knew that it was dangerous,he (not come).

III 1. If you (go) on a diet,you (lose) weight.

    If we (work) all night,we (finish) in time.

    If I see a tiger walking across Hyde Park,I (climb) a tree.

    If you (keep) a cat,the mice (not run) about everywhere.

    If it (be) summer,the people (not sit) round that big fire.

    If you (paint) the walls white,the room (be) much bigger.

    If he (take) any exercise,he (not be) so unhealthy.

    If they (speak) English to her,her English (improve).

    If I (ask) him for help,he (help) me.

    If I (know) his address,I (can) write to him.

IV Finish the sentences.

    If you ate less … .

    If she practiced more … .

    You would look better if … .

    If you came in time … .

    If you didn’t shake the camera so much,your photographs … .

    If I could live anywhere I wanted,I would live … .

    If I had a museum,I would collect … .

    If we were all geniuses … .

    If you came to visit me … .

    I would stand on my head if … .

    I would go to the Canary Isles if … .

V Make “Chains of events”.

1. (Boys) – If I won a car in a lottery … .

2. (Girls) – If I won the title of “Miss Universe” … .


Quiet Girl

I would liken you

To a night without stars.

Were it not for your eyes.

I would liken you

To a sleep without dreams

Were it not for your songs.

Langston Hughes

Conditional sentences III

( Условные предложения III типа)

Выражают совершенно невыполнимые условия ,не реализованные в прошлом.

Схемы условных предложений III типа

1) If … had V 3 … … would have V 3 … … .

Придаточное главное

(Past Perfect) (Future Perfect)

If you had known grammar better your composition would have been a success.

2) … would have V 3 … … if … had V 3 … … .


The children would have travelled to England if the tickets had been free.

If «если бы»

I Match the parts of the sentences.

1. I would have bought a new coat if a)she would not have waited

2. He would have given her diamonds if for him so long.

3. Her life mighthave been saved if b)everything would have been

4. If he had taken my advice all right.

5. If you have checked the petrol before we started c)only I had had enough

6. If she had not loved him money.

D)he had stolen them from the


E)the doctors had taken better

Care of her.

F)we would not have made so

Many stops.

II Insert the verbs in the correct form.

    If I had known that you were in hospital,I … you.

a) would have visited b) had visited

2. If you … ten minutes earlier,you would have got a seat.

a) would have arrived b) had arrived

3. I wouldn’t have believed it if I … it with my own eyes.

a) had not seen b) would not have seen

4. If I … that you were coming,I’d baked a cake.

a) would have known b) had known

5. If I … what a bad driver you were,I wouldn’t have gone with you.

a) had realized b) would have realized

6. If he had known that the river was dangerous,he … to swim across it.

a) would not have tried b) had not tried

7. If you … more slowly,he might have understood you.

a) had spoken b) would have spoken

8. If he had known the whole story,he … so angry.

a) would not have been b) had not been

9. If I … again,I think that I would have succeeded.

a) would have tried b) had tried

10. If I … ready when he called,he would have taken me with him.

a) would have been b) had been

III 1. If there (be) any snow round there,we (go) skiing.

    If my friend (know) my address,he (find) my house.

    If I (receive) your letter,I (answer) it.

    If he (give up) smoking,he (look) better.

    If we (invite) them,they (come) to our party.

    If I (know) they need me,I (come) at once.

    If we (learn) the truth,she (be) very angry.

    If he (study) more,he (pass) his exam easily.

    If the story hadn’t been true,the newspaper (not print) it.

    We (go) by air if we (have) enough money.

IV Make “Chains of events”.

    If Cinderella hadn’t met a Fairy … … .

    If Prince Gvidon and his mother hadn’t been thrown into the ocean in the

barrel … … .

    If tsar Dadon hadn’t taken the golden cock from the wise old man … … .


Variant 1

    What … you … if your car was broken?

A) will … do; B) would … do

b) All the students … the lesson if the teacher explains it again.

A) will understand; B) would understand

c) If you paid more attention to grammar,you … the composition better.

A) will write; B) would write

d) If you found a purse in the street,you … it to the police.

A) will take; B) would take

e) My parents … upset,if I lose my key.

A) will be; B) would be

f) You … a good time if you stayed at a hotel.

A) will have; B) would have

g) We … to the theatre if Peter wasn’t well.

h) If the weather was bad,we … out.

A) would not go; B) would not have gone

i) If he had stopped the bus,the accident … .

A) would happen; B) would have happened

j) I would have gone out if my mother … at home.

A) wasn’t; B) had been

k) If I … George,I would have invited him to the party.

A) knew; B) had known

l) If youhad done that,you … all right.

A) would have been; B) would be

    Translate into English.

    Я пришёл бы к вам вчера,если бы вы позвонили мне.

    На вашем месте я попытался бы поехать в 3 часа.

Variant 2

    Choose the right form of the verb.

    What … he … if he won a million dollars?

A) will … do; B) would do

b) If they catch the train,they … in time.

A) will arrive; B) would arrive

c) If you took more exercise,you … better.

A) will feel; B) would feel

d) If it stopped raining,they … shopping.

A) will go; B) would go

e) If I didn’t pass my exam,I … on vacation.

A) will not go; B) would not go

f) I … very angry,if you did not come to my birthday.

A) will feel; B) would feel

g) If I had known it,I … to meet them.

A) would go; B) would have gone

h) If the bloue matched the shirt,she … it.

A) would buy; B) would have bought

i) If you didn’t wear a warm coat,you … cold.

A) would be; B) would have been

j) He would have been late for his job if he … the train.

A) had missed; B) missed

k) If you … that,you would be poisoned.

A) drank; B) had drunk

l) If the weather … warmer they would have enjoyed the picnic.

A) had been; B) was

    Translate into English.

    Я бы ему написал,если бы вчера узнал его адрес.

    Если бы я поехал в Атланту,я бы посетил Музей «Кока-колы».

Ключи к тесту:

B d) B g) A j) B

A e) A h) A k) B

B f) B i) B l) A

a) B d) B g) B j) A

b) A e) B h) A k) A

C) B f) B i) A l) A

Задание 2

Задание 2

а ) I would have come to you

yesterday,if you had called me.

b) If I were you,I would try to

go at 3 o’clock.

a) I would have written him,if

I had known his address yester-


b) If I went to Atlanta,I would

visit Coca-cola museum.

Short tests (5-10 minutes)

Conditionals II

Put the verbs in the right form.

    If he (not read) so much,he would not be so clever.

    If you were not so careless about your health,you (consult) the doctor.

    My father (have) more free time if he (not read) so many newspapers.

    If she (not be) so absent-minded,she would be a much better student.

    If you were a poet,you (write) beautiful poems.

    If you (ring) me up,I (tell) you a secret.

Conditionals III

    If I had met you yesterday I (tell) you something.

    I (get) a good mark if I had learned my lessons.

    If I (read) this new book I (find) out all about this discovery.

    If she (not help) me,I should have been in a very tough situation.

    He (meet) his friend if he had come to our house yesterday.

    If you (let) me know yesterday,I (bring) you my book.

Open the brackets and write each sentence in the I,II and III types of Conditionals.

    If you (be) free,I (come) to see you.

    If I (see) her,I (be) glad.

    If we (receive) a telegram from him,we (not worry).

    If you (be) busy,I (wait).

Conditionals of the I,II,III types.

Open the brackets and write each sentence in the I,II,III types of Conditionals.

    If you (come) on time,we (catch) the train.

    If the team (win) the match,it (be) a champion.

Make up the sentences.

At home go to bed at once.

If I am a poet I would got that book.

In the South be very sorry.

If I (were) come home late bathe every day.

Gone to the library I will gone to the theatre.

Fall ill been pleased.

If I had (been) had a ticket yesterday I would have write nice poems.

Met you yesterday have a good time.

Lose my money go to the doctor

Translate .

Если погода была бы(будет)хорошая,мы бы играли(будем) играть в футбол.

Определительные придаточные предложения в английском языке (Relative clauses)

Что это такое и как этим пользоваться?

Relative clause - или на русском определительное придаточное предложение, - это часть сложного предложения, которое зависит от главного. Оно обычно соединяет два маленьких предложения в одно или просто добавляет новую интересную информацию, чтобы вам было понятнее, давайте посмотрим пример.

I have a mother who works as a doctor. - У меня есть мама, которая работает врачом.

I missed the bus that was going to take me to church. - Я пропустила автобус, который должен был отвезти меня в церковь.

Defining relative clauses (Ограничительные определения)

Defining relative clauses дают важную информацию о


1. My sister, who lives in London, is coming to Paris.

2. My sister who lives in London is coming to Paris.

В первом предложении, придаточное предложение who lives in London - это non-defining relative clause. Это придаточное предложение сообщает дополнительную информацию: у меня есть только одна сестра и она живет в Лондоне. Если опустить информацию о том, где живет моя сестра, все равно будет понятно, что мы хотим сказать.

Второе предложение - это defining relative clause: у меня есть несколько сестер, и в данный момент я говорю о сестре, которая живет в Лондоне.

В defining relative clauses мы можем опустить слово-связку

I"ve eaten the pasta (which) I made yesterday.

Ограничительные придаточные предложения при письме не выделяются запятыми.

Non-defining relative clauses (Распространительные предложения)

Non-defining relative дают дополнительную информацию о подлежащем. Придаточное предложение в этом случае выделяется с двух сторон запятыми.

That project, which I started years ago, still isn"t finished.


1 .

1. That is the shop ____ was awarded as the best shop in the city. 2. The girl ____ brother go with me to the gym is a good singer. 3. The man ____ broke into our house was caught in two days. 4. She visits her grandmother ____ lives in countryside every summer. 5. She was wearing a dress ___ looked like princess’. 6. The bookshelf ____ we bought last week has broken down. 7. The man ___ was sitting on the bench turned around and saw his granddaughter. 8. A woman ____ son was crying paid no attention to him. 9. The woman ____ car had broken down on her way home spend 3 hours waiting for help. 10. My best friend ____ I have known for years will never let me down. 11. He didn’t follow the instructions ____ he was given, so he failed to pass the test. 12. The girl ___ lived next door was very shy and couldn’t say a word to protect herself at school. 13. I need to buy a laptop ____ can work up to 5 hours without a charger. 14. My father ___ is a doctor has no idea how to repair a car. 15. The photo ____ is placed on the mantel was taken at the picnic two years ago.

2. Поставьте подходящее относительное местоимение who, which, that, when, why, where или whose.

    His sister, … name is Lara, works at the library.

    Her last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success.

    Give him something … will take away the pain.

    I work in the town … my son lives.

    We’ll show you the poem … changed my life.

    Doctors, … claim money, are shameless.

    Is there a shop near here … sells milk?

    That’s the main reason … I came to you.

    I’ll never forget my childhood … I was so happy.

    People … live in flats shouldn’t have animals.

    The car … he bought last month is fantastic.

    This is the most beautiful waterfall … we have ever seen!

3. Соедините предложения, используя придаточные предложения.

Н-р: My dad works in a factory. It makes parts for computers. (Мой отец работает на фабрике. Она производит детали для компьютеров.) – The factory … makes parts for computers. – The factory where my dad works makes parts for computers. (Фабрика, на которой работает мой отец, производит детали для компьютеров.)

    There is a bakery near my house. It sells wonderful pies. – The bakery … sells wonderful pies.

    They lived in a cottage. It was struck by lightning. – The cottage … was struck by lightning.

    Jane made a seafood salad. Nobody likes it. – Nobody likes the salad … .

    Jack is an architect. He designed the Opera House. – Jack is the architect … .

    The woman didn’t apologize. Her cat bit me. – The woman … didn’t apologize.

    Madonna is a famous American singer. Her parents were born in Italy. – Madonna … is a famous American singer.

    The apartment is the biggest in the house. The lawyer lives there. – The apartment … is the biggest in the house.

We play tennis in a sports centre. It is very expensive. – The sports centre … is very expensive.


1. which 2. whose 3. who 4. who 5. that 6. that 7. who 8. whose 9. whose 10. whom 11. that 12. who 13. that 14. who 15. that

whose (Его сестра, чье имя Лара, работает в библиотеке.)

    which/that (Ее последний фильм, который я совсем не понял, имел большой успех.)

    that (Дай мне что-нибудь для снятия боли.)

    where (Я работаю в том городе, где живет мой сын.)

    which/that (Мы покажем вам стихотворение, изменившее мою жизнь.)

    who (Врачи, требующие денег, бессовестны.)

    that/which (Здесь есть поблизости магазин, продающий молоко?)

    why (Это основная причина, почему я пришел к вам.)

    when (Я никогда не забуду свое детство, когда я был так счастлив.)

    who (Люди, проживающие в квартирах, не должны иметь животных.)

    which/that (Машина, которую он купил в прошлом месяце, фантастическая.)

    that (Это самый красивый водопад, который мы когда-либо видели!)

    The bakery which is near my house sells wonderful pies. (Булочная, расположенная у моего дома, продает прекрасные пирожки.)

    The cottage where they lived was struck by lightning. (Коттедж, в котором они жили, был поражен молнией.)

    Nobody likes the salad which Jane made. (Никому не нравится салат, который приготовила Джейн.)

    Jack is the architect who designed the Opera House. (Джек – архитектор, спроектировавший Оперный театр.)

    The woman whose cat bit me didn’t apologize. (Женщина, чья кошка укусила меня, не извинилась.)

    Madonna, whose parents were born in Italy, is a famous American singer. (Мадонна, чьи родители родились в Италии, является знаменитой американской певицей.)

    The apartment where the lawyer lives is the biggest in the house. (Квартира, в которой живет адвокат, самая большая в доме.)

The sports centre where we play tennis is very expensive. (Спортивный центр, в котором мы играем в теннис, очень дорогой.)


    neither (Мы спросили их обоих, но никто из них не знает его адрес.)

    either (Он жил в Милане и в Мадриде, но ему не понравился ни один из городов.)

    either – or (Она очень стройная. Думаю, она или спортсменка, или модель.)

    either – or (Анна никогда не работает целый день. Она работает или утром, или после обеда.)

    either (У него 2 машины, но мне не нравится ни одна из них.)

    both (Она не могла сделать свой выбор, ей нравились они оба.)

    either (Ты можешь поехать в Оксфорд или на автобусе, или на поезде.)

    Either (Вы будете рыбу или курицу? – Без разницы. Или то, или то подойдет.)

    (Вы будете яблочный или апельсиновый сок? – Ни то, ни другое, спасибо. Я не люблю сок.)

    (Вы будете салат или стейк? – И то, и другое. Я такой голодный.)

    either (Разве он не пользуется одним из телефонов?)

    neither – nor (Моя старая бабушка не могла ни читать, ни писать.)

    Neither (Никто из них не пригласил меня, поэтому я туда не ходил.)

    both (Тебе следует держать обе руки на руле.)

    either (Я не люблю фильмы ужасов, и мой муж тоже не любит.)

    Both (И у мамы, и у папы зеленые глаза.)

    neither (Я попросил двоих друзей помочь мне с тестом, но никто из них не знал ответ.)

    either (Ее платье было либо черным, либо коричневым.)

    either (Попроси Фреда или Линду купить немного молока.)

    neither – nor (Мы не можем встретиться ни сегодня, ни завтра. Я ужасно занят.)

Either, neither, both

Для того чтобы перейти к более подробному рассмотрению этой темы, изуч им переводы этих союзов:

neither ... nor - ни... ни;

either ... or - или... или, либо... либо;

both ... and - и... и, как... так и.

Теперь изучим каждое из этих сочетаний в отдельности.

Neither ... nor - ни... ни

Данный союз является отрицательным и служит для соединения однородных членов предложения. Чтобы его употребление было более понятным, изучите несколько примеров.

Neither Kate nor her friend answered the question (союз соединяет подлежащие) - Ни Катя, ни ее подруга не ответили на вопрос.

We brought neither books nor copy-books (союз соединяет дополнения) - Мы не принесли ни книг, ни тетрадей.

We mustn"t neither help, nor lend the money to John (союз соединяет сказуемые) - Мы не обязаны ни помогать, ни давать денег взаймы Джону.

We bought neither old nor new flat (союз соединяет определения) - Мы не купили ни старую, ни новую квартиру.

Обратите внимание на то, что союз neither ... nor соединяет любые члены предложения: это могут быть подлежащие, определения, дополнения, сказуемые и т.д.

Следует запомнить, что сочетание neither ... nor часто служит для соединения подлежащих, тогда сказуемое согласуется с ближайшим подлежащим. Но это правило обычно не соблюдается, и сказуемое ставится во множественном числе, как показано в примерах выше.

Рассмотрите это примечание на примере.

Neither my friends nor Kate want s to go to a party - Ни мои друзья, ни Катя не хотят идти на вечеринку (сказуемое согласуется с ближайшим подлежащим).

Neither my friends nor Kate want to go to a party - Ни мои друзья, ни Катя не хотят идти на вечеринку (сказуемое стоит во множественном числе - обычно употребляется этот вариант перевода).

Также необходимо обратить внимание на тот факт, что в английском предложении может быть только одно отрицание, а так как союз neither ... nor - отрицательный , сказуемое в предложении всегда должно быть утвердительным. Это видно из всех выше приведенных примеров.

Если neither

Изучите пример.

We neither sent the parcel nor the letter - Мы не отправили ни посылку, ни письмо.

Either ... or - или... или, либо... либо

Данный союз используется в утвердительных предложениях, соединяя однородные члены. В отличие от союза neither ... nor, either ... or , соединяя подлежащие, согласуется с ближайшим из них.

Чтобы употребление данного союза было более понятно, изучите несколько примеров.

Either our classmates, or your friend has complained to the teacher - Или наши одноклассники, или твой друг нажаловался учителю.

Если either не относится к подлежащему, то его можно ставить перед глаголом-сказуемым.

They will either build a restaurant or a shopping center in this district - Они построят либо ресторан, либо торговый центр в этом районе.

Если предложение отрицательное, то союз either ... or может выступать в роли союза neither ... nor .

Изучите пример.

We didn"t paint either ceiling or wall - Мы не покрасили ни потолок, ни стену.

Both ... and - и... и, как... так и

Данный союз используется в утвердительных предложениях и соединяет однородные члены предложения. Если союз соединяет подлежащие, то сказуемое необходимо употреблять во множественном числе.

Изучите несколько примеров.

Both John and that engineer refuse to work - И Джон, и тот инженер отказываются работать.

We saw both the university and the school - Мы видели как школу, так и университет.

1. Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант.

    We have asked them both but … (neither/both) of them knows his address.

    He has lived in Milan and Madrid but he didn’t like … (either/neither) of the cities much.

    She is very slim. I think she is … (either/neither) a sportsman … (or/nor) a model.

    Anna never works all day. She works … (either/neither) in the morning … (or/nor) after lunch.

    He has 2 cars, but I don’t like … (either/neither) of them.

    She couldn’t choose between them, she liked them … (both/either).

    You can take … (either/neither) a bus or a train to get to Oxford.

    Would you like fish or chicken? - It doesn’t matter. … (Either/Both) will do for me.

    Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - … (Either/Neither), thanks. I don’t like juice.

    Would you like some salad or some steak? - … (Either/Both). I’m so hungry.

    Doesn’t he use … (either/neither) of his phones?

    My old granny could … (either/neither) read … (or/nor) write.

    (Either/Neither) of them invited me, so I didn’t go there.

    You should keep … (either/both) hands on the steering wheel.

    I don’t like horror films, and my husband doesn’t like … (either/neither).

    (Either/Both) my mother and father have green eyes.

    I asked two friends to help me with the test, but … (either/neither) of them knew the answer.

    Her dress was … (either/both) black or brown.

    Please ask … (either/neither) Fred or Linda to buy some milk.

    We can meet … (either/neither) today … (or/nor) tomorrow. I am terribly busy.

Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences. Use either... or, neither... nor, both... and.

1. I drink ... coffee ... hot chocolate. 2. I didn"t like the new book. It was ... interesting ... useful. 3. I invited two friends, but ... Liz ... Jane could come to the . 4. Granny promised me a nice dessert. It will be ... a chocolate cake ... an apple pie. 5. Last year I visited ... London ... St Petersburg. 6. Alex will phone me ... at five o"clock ... at six o"clock. 7. No, thank you. I"ll have ... tea ... coffee.

8. - Did anybody come to see you last week?

Nobody did.... Julia... John was there.

9. - Have they arrived yet?

No, they haven’t. But I expect them… today… tomorrow.

10. Borrow some money from your friends.... Ann... Mary will help you.

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